Saturday April 12, 2025 - 10:00am to 2:00pm (Date Changed from 4/5)
Who is invited? This event is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC – anybody who wants to attend is welcome!
Where? At The Bar on Lynndale
2435 W Nordale Dr #1820
Appleton, WI 54914
When? Saturday, April 12, 2024
10 AM to 2 PM.
What? Sure, we’re a paddle club, but the gear swap has become popular for all sorts of outdoor gear. So, bring your tents, sleeping bags, and other spare outdoor gear and find it a new home.
Is there a fee? No! Save your cash for buying cool stuff!
Is lunch available? Absolutely! The Bar serves great food and refreshments! BUT – NO CARRY-IN FOOD!
Format? Open and casual – bring your boats and gear inside for sale or swap.
Expectations? This is our 13th paddle gear swap to exchange or purchase gear, learn some skills, share some stories and meet other paddlers! Well over 100 people participated in 2024, with a great selection of boats and other gear available for swap or purchase.
As an indoor event, we are “weather-proof!”
Questions? Email [email protected]
We are returning to The Bar-Lynndale in Appleton which features a huge indoor sand volleyball court and deck area. In addition, The Bar offers great food and refreshments on site! (No carry-ins!)
[ Boat and gear preview below! ]
[ Raffle ]
Same format as in the past – boats and assorted outdoor gear to buy and sell, interesting paddle topics/ presentations to listen to and plenty of time to plan this year’s outings with your old (and new) paddle buddies.
Have extra outdoor gear? Need some new stuff? Bring your spare gear, extra boats and wish list! (Not limited to paddle gear – we all enjoy other outdoor sports as well!) We’ll provide a space and (some) tables for the gear you wish to sell – you set the price and make the deal! Limited tables are available – if you have a handy folding table, bring it along!
What can you expect to find at this year’s gear swap? Well, the unique magic of a gear swap is you won’t know for sure unless you show up! But, we do know that in addition to all the paddlers participating, the following organizations also plan to participate:
- <2025 list pending>
- <2024 participants included United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, Humpback Kayaks and Paddles and Loon Paddle Company>
BUCKET RAFFLE! (2025 Details Pending…)
NEWP, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization and is self-funded through the efforts of its volunteer members by conducting classes and leading events, as well as from annual membership dues. The Gear Swap raffle drawing is scheduled for 1:30 PM April 5, 2025 at The Bar on Lynndale in Appleton. (You do not have to be present to win the bid on their item. NEWP, Inc. is licensed to conduct Class A & B raffles in the State of Wisconsin.)
<2025 raffle items will be listed here when determined. Raffle item donation items welcome!>
2024 Bucket Raffle items included:
- Bucket 1: Custom Paddle – Winner’s Choice (Euro or Greenland) custom-made paddle by Humpback Kayaks.
- Bucket 2: $50 Rutabaga Gift Card (Thank you, Rutabaga!)
- Bucket 3: $50 Zeller’s Ski & Sports Gift Card (Thank you, Associated Bank!)
- Bucket 4: Seattle Sports cart (Kayak wheels, slightly used, with new straps!)
Paddling Presentation Topics (TBD)
Do you have a great paddler-oriented presentation topic to share? Contact [email protected].
1:00 PM: TBD
Do you have a great paddler-oriented presentation topic to share? Contact [email protected].
Sampling of Boats and Gear Offered for Sale
One of the thrills of swap meets is not knowing what to expect until you show up! BUT – sometimes it’s nice to know what to expect, so if you are hoping to sell a boat or other paddling equipment let us know, and we will display it below.
Delsyk Salish Tandem Kayak –With or without rudder; spray decks are available for both cockpits. Outfitter boats available now for $500; contact [email protected]. Manufacturer information HERE.
For those that cannot participate in our annual swap event, we heartily recommend use of, and Facebook Marketplace for used boat and gear exchange!